Sore Muscles Breasts Shoulder Is This Normal During The 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy?

Is this normal during the 1st trimester of pregnancy? - sore muscles breasts shoulder

I took my HPT test and confirmed my pregnancy ... My breasts are tender and swollen up to the shoulders ... Also in the vicinity of the muscle below the shoulder level of the breasts that I have a small bump that is painful to have more .. I did touch on both sides. Is this normal during their first pregnancy and the first quarter? Is this the mammary glands and hormones that the glands? Advice to get the time to stop with smoking?


She is Beautiful! said...

If your normal. By 10-12 weeks, everything is ok and not so much hurt. But you have pain and damage on and off during her pregnancy of all, because all the crazy things happening in your body. If the pain comes when you can not, or if the bleeding is almost the only time you should worry. And then you should find that DR Anyway Congratulations and good luck:)

lucie01 said...

If your doctor says you can take Tylenol for his pain and to do a breast exam during your next visit. Hormones in the first quarter has caused many changes all that pain and tenderness. But I doubt that a canal of milk are now blocked.

Mama B said...

It seems that the package may be swollen lymph nodes, I google. It could also be another side effect of pregnancy without any doubt, ask your DR Good luck to you

Matthew's Momma said...

Sounds like this could be your glands, but every time I am the flesh around his chest, I suggest you go to your doctor just in case.

Megan said...

Ask your doctor

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