Dvd On Spinal Stenosis Food To Eat For Scoliosis?

Food to eat for Scoliosis? - dvd on spinal stenosis

I am a 13 years old girl.
I just diagnosis of scoliosis,
my spine is curved 17 degrees
I am the doctor next week for some opinions.

I try to be active, and my back hurts me KILLER!
I get headaches and ear pain of scoliosis.
In going to tell the doctor about it.

in gettting a yoga DVD. scoliosis
In and is a lot of use.
I ran treadmil in and try to excersice. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt - Woo! can not spell.
What foods should I eat scoliosis?
Which diet I should be a little
because i dont think I eat healthy.
I need help.
and I begin to drink soda to stop.
Now I'm drunk all the milk and water.
and ocassionaly \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt - oo! other!
fruit drink ..

What kind of food?
or eating plan should be, let me start to feel better.

thank you verry much
in advance: D


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