Anniversary Wishers For My Parenys My Great Grandparents R Celebrating Their 73rd Wed Anniv.(Aug 16) I'd Like Many Good Wishes 4 Them.?

My great grandparents r celebrating their 73rd Wed anniv.(Aug 16) I'd like many good wishes 4 them.? - anniversary wishers for my parenys

They are John and Winnie. I collect good wishes and keep them in a book for them. Want to help?
The final application is due, I thought again, I have 26 followers, and his 73rd The 16th anniversary falls August, so I just want to make sure that I have much to offer. Thank you to everyone who responded earlier.


kchamber... said...

Many years older you come to John and Winnie! Happy birthday to you both!

jackie said...

wow .. Way to go .. My wife and I have done 40 + and has many .. i can not wait to do 73 .. is wonderful, and I am very pleased that John and Winnie the world, can show how it's done and what to do .. Great, I can not wait to be transported, if .. That by 74 i, or send a prayer for you, 16 August

mo said...

Wonderful Congratulations to John and Winnie. This is an important event which had to be together during these many years. I am sure that the times are not always good, and good times were wonderful. The happiness for both.

Franco said...

73 years ... It is a life of love litterly. God bless you!

Marycozz... said...

Maybe you can pictures of his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to collect, and add it to an autograph book that all the characters, if they can come to party?

reecie said...

My best wishes to you and John Winnie! Can they have enjoyed for several years!

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