List Of Stomach Diseases What Can Be Done To Help A Patient With Liver Disease?

What can be done to help a patient with liver disease? - list of stomach diseases

My stepfather is in step 4 of the liver disease.

I wonder what we do to improve their quality of life, preserve and strong enough, healthy enough to be placed on the transplant list.

What foods are good? Not good?

This can help with the swelling of the legs and stomach?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Snow Flake said...

Among the herb milk thistle is good for a diseased liver.

Wascally Wabbit said...

Hello Penny

Salt is often the cause of inflammation, low-salt diet or no salt.

Swelling of the legs, make sure your legs Accessories father a few meters works well on its waste - a couch. Use pillows to give extra height, if necessary.

Such as food, I recommend you talk to a dietitian with a degree in a health food store. (ask for their training) You ask what they recommend for your diet or homeopathic remedy that can help your well being.

happywjc said...

Sorry for your pain!
I had a friend with liver failure and
his family started treating him with "Milk Thistle", and he improved and lived a few years!

§ dreamer § said...

I am your father, sorry.
No salt, no sauce, spicy dishes out are, broil or boil meat,
Your doctor must ensure that follow the guidelines in their diet.
Good luck

Chris E said...

If you are using salt for mrs. Scripts spices.
The mix is very good, and not table salt everything.

fonzatoz 69 said...

try on a plot for a holistic approach to treatment, all free and natural medicines and resources could help to go .... Good luck

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