Hydrogen Fuel Cell Automobile Benefit Of Hydrogen-oxygen Fuel Cells Compared To Natural Gas, Batteries, And Gasoline?

Benefit of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells compared to natural gas, batteries, and gasoline? - hydrogen fuel cell automobile

What is the cost-benefit analysis for the use of hydrogen fuel cell cars on the use of gasoline, electricity, on batteries or natural gas?


John W said...

The advantage is an advantage for automakers. If the public interest can be moved to a new technology, there is a demand for new vehicles is higher than normal in the relocation of production and growth. This is the driving force behind the growth of the automotive industry for decades, in essence, is an attempt to exploit the green movement is as planned obsolescence, which has followed so profitable for the auto industry in recent years.

Electric vehicles are not desirable in this regard, the cost of the batteries. At current prices, it could easily cost $ 14,000 for a battery, which is limited in the extent appropriate and desired performance comparable to today's vehicles has increased the demand for batteries in proportion as the global supply of lithium, and in some countries in South America can be concentrated geopolitical we should not.

Natural gas is a viable option to increase the profits that run the necessary changes to minutes a gasoline engine to natural gasIMAL would not be the demand for both vehicles. The growing demand for natural gas prices may go up quite steeply until it is worthwhile to supply gas for the transition to competition in the market. Type of gas is currently flared at the site, it is uneconomical to develop a second set of pipes, pressure, pumping stations and just get the liquefaction of gas on the market. Basically, any attempt to promote natural gas vehicles in a base of mass production will not be achieved, it is expensive, because the argument would disappear for the reduction of energy costs, until the construction of additional infrastructure. In addition, recent proposals for natural gas reserves in the market for portable gas generators and the Fischer-Tropsch reactor to convert natural gas into diesel and heavy waxes on the market with the oil that we have an infrastructure for the traffic sent could be navigation. This also means that natural gas would, in fact, diesel or petrol at the time specified in the vehicle.

Continuous production of gasoline for carsBile does not seem to the automotive manufacturers to any additional marketing opportunities characters, the latter two possibilities (that was the brand of flex fuel hybrid), so that there is currently no way to increase demand. Since the synthesis gas from biomass and is also available directly from CO2 and H2O, the use of gasoline vehicles, effectively reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, but that does not represent a market opportunity for automakers.

This is also true, why there is such a contradiction to PRT (Personal Rapid Transit), which is essentially low-cost standard, the car guide rail vehicles that are less expensive than the type of roads due to the small size and light weight, and would promoted and coordinated by computers, so it is not necessary, the fleet is exclusively for the carriage of another person. The PRT concept to provide only for the initial demand for vehicles because there is no obsolescence of design, fashion or marketing of the brand in question is the food market on a limitedª proportional to population growth. ERP systems, including funds from plans to expand the highway and there would be no need to expand, if cheaper rail EPR may be less implemented. The PRT concept is for the leadership would cost almost as much as a path or a series of roller coasters instead of 137 million U.S. dollars per mile of the recent expansion of the Katy Freeway, or 43 million U.S. dollars per kilometer Houston Light Rail Red Line, the cost per kilometer of the EPR is $ 1 to $ 15 million per mile.

Solutions that make sense to be ignored, the solutions involve increasing the purchase of irrational and therefore offers an advantage in terms of growth, are marketed like crazy on the market, we are pushing hydrogen.

Nata T said...

the costs and benefits is infinite. namely the cost-benefit = X = 0, by definition, if Y = X / X 0 is a positive real number, then Y = infinity

Are you serious, or a spammer?

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