Depression Therapy Is This A Good Idea For Depression Therapy?

Is this a good idea for Depression therapy? - depression therapy

I sat on my computer chair, without a brilliant idea came to me. What happens if the therapy tickle "" could suffer in the treatment for people with depression? Tickling laughter that one might think, which in turn would make the happiness of chemicals (serotonin) in the brain that we believe appropriate. The next question would be that tickle? The obvious answer would be a spouse, but what if you're single? It would be a little odd, some strange dude in a lab coat have control. What do you think?


Jenna said...

I think it's a great idea! All the positive aspects and what is good for depression.

Mr. J said...

It might be helpful - the benefits are not very short. In many parts of the patient a new impetus to the depression for a while, get to hide. Shortly after his return depressive thought processes unchanged.

Tickling is comparable to the stimulation of pain (related) to the brain, and it would be difficult to make a new therapy. In fact, we want to continue a culture of "hits, until the morale improves."

It is possible that being tickled after some time the possibility of being uncomfortable for the patient, especially in a depressed person, this can make it a stress factor and not make things worse.

Windwhis... said...

For with joy and laughter to tickle laughing are two different things. Believe it or not, if someone does not laugh Tikla really laugh, but a cry for help. Sounds lke to laugh, but it is not.

There are pressure points on the body, the sensory nerves and close to the skin or the skin in this area does not affect the weapons (many, knee, thigh, etc.) because they are not accustomed to the pressure caused tickeling or touching them. It reads in the brain as pain is making the person that send a distress signal

Fibbers! {MCRmy}♫ said...

Well, no. Have you been depressed? He = [The last thing we want is someone to promote the site. It is a good concept, but probably will not work. When I tickle under the same conditions as above, I have maintained a negative attitude to super and I enter the person's face. If you want to work with depression, we have removed from the base. It is a mental disorder and should be mentally solved. Serotonin would be more physical in a sense. It is a good concept, though! =]

Verity said...

only caused laughter does not mean that your happiness. I laugh when being tickled, but I fear that my soul, and if the person does not stop immediately, almost hysterical. Not happy, always laughing.

lil bit said...

Sounds good to me. Depression can be crippling - and we need all the therapies that we can get. Perhaps someone could design a machine that would tickle the

lil bit said...

Sounds good to me. Depression can be crippling - and we need all the therapies that we can get. Perhaps someone could design a machine that would tickle the

scoutma5... said...

The ticklee "should be open. If someone tries to tickle me and I will not be angry.

Lil Mena.6.4 all da est of us! said...

It's a great idea! positive possibilities of life are to overcome the depression!

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